
Showing posts from October, 2019

ICT Interview

Questions ICT Student ICT Teacher ICT Manager Jellen Ivy M. Laurencio/ 16 yrs. Old Grade 11 ICT Maria Kriselda M. Daquer/ 28 yrs. old Techer II (ICT teacher) Allan April M. Daquer /31 yrs.old Teacher III (Grade 8- English) 1.        Do you have an ICT facility in the school? What compose this facility? -           Yes, It compose of computer Lab and Tablet PC.             Yes, we have ICT facility in our school that composed of: Tablet PC, Wireless mouse, Headset  and Mouse Pad. -           Yes, this is DCP (DepED Computerization Program) given by the DepEd to enhance the skills and knowledge of students using computers and teaching them basic fundamental use of computer 2.        Who are all...

E- pollutants from E- waste

Title of the Issue : E- pollutants from E- waste Title of the Article: Electronic Pollution:The Upcoming Environmental Concern Source: Envibrary Author: Arjit Samajdar a)       Summary Narrative              Disposal of e-waste is one of the rapid growing problem in the world. It causes environmental issue and public health issue as well. People nowadays prefer newer one rather the old one because they want to follow the trends today especially in technology that became a necessity of people aside from their basic needs. Some may think it is cheaper to buy a new cellular phone, printer, computer, etc. rather than spending high cost of repairing ad replacing the damages. The distribution of price pushes people to buy new products and with this, it implies more and more disposal of the old ones. Disposal of e- waste or discarded electronic devices causes electronic pollution. E...